Sunday, 15 February 2015

2011 to 2015

My last post on here was back in 2011 and I have been busy since with various things. Firstly I am now a fully qualified photography lecture and I'am currently working in a secondary school in Hampshire. My own practice has slightly been put on wholed because of this so I haven't produced any new work since 2011. I am however updating this as we speak to hopefully set a date for new work to be produced over this year and the next. My web site will be relaunched  and I will be looking to do some new portraiture/documentery work very soon. 

Stay tuned for those who may notice. 



Friday, 1 July 2011 feature

I have had another feature from my free range graduate art showcase on Please feel free to check it would and leave feed back.

If you would like to see more of these photos you can check them out @

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

In It For The Money Records

So I was approached by a record company with a new assignment they wanted me to work on with them. They where re launching the company and wanted a set of images that would work well with in the name of the company. The ideas I pitched with were people eating money, I took this idea and this was the out come.

If you would like to see more of these photos you can check them out @

Life after my (BA HONS) degree

So I have had a letter through the post to say I have successfully completed my course on the (BA HONS) photography degree. The start of summer has been slow paced for any new photo work I had done for my self as I had been busy with the London show and every thing. I got some work taking some photos for a record company that are re launching. One of the models I had picked out was Sara Lou she has or ready had experience in modelling so we took the opportunity to step away from the clients work and do some fashion/modeling shots.

This was the out come ...

If you would like to see more of these photos you can check them out @

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Amelia's Magazine

After doin the exhibition I got some interest from Amelia's Magazine. Here is a link to the feature

If you would like to see more of these photos you can check them out @

Free Range exhibition, Brick lane, London

So for the end of my degree we all had an exhibition at the Free Range show in London. This was a really good experience and I met alot of new and interesting people.

This was my show ....

If you would like to see more of these photos you can check them out @

Tuesday, 31 May 2011


In june I will be exhibiting my work in The Old Truman Brewery in Brick Lane, London. This is along side the rest of my uni class mates and will be are end of year final show.

For more info on this please feel free to email me @