Sunday, 27 March 2011

JC - Portraits project

So today I added to my final major project and went and done some portraits of JC. I photographed her round the area she grew up in and has now moved from, this was the out come.

If you would like to see more of these photos you can check them out @

Other Studio work

To continue with my portrait work i felt that it would be beneficial to go back in to the studio and try out some new lighting techniques this was the out come.

If you would like to see more of these photos you can check them out @

Final major project

So it is coming to the end of my degree now and i have handed in all of my projects but one. This will be my final major project of my degree and I'm looking in to identity/portraits looking at peoples backgrounds and around areas that the live and grow up in and seen how they have shaped the person this was the out come from the first 2 shoots.

If you would like to see more of these photos you can check them out @

Studio Work

So I haven't had much experience in the studio before and felt that I needed ot gain some more. I decided to do some test shoots with a freind of mine to get some good ideas for lighting and this was the out come.

If you would like to see more of these photos you can check them out @

Commercial Work

A friend of mine come to me a few weeks ago and asked me to do a set of photographs of his car for some commercial stuff he was looking in to. I hadn't done any work like this before so it was a new experience for me and this was the out come.

If you would like to see more of these photos you can check them out @